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Zhiwu CHEN, PhD
Director, Asia Global Institute
Victor and William Fung Professor in Economics
School of Economics and Finance
The University of Hong Kong
And Professor of Finance
Yale University (on leave)
陈志武 博士
冯国经冯国纶基金教授 (经济学)
Zhiwu Chen is the Director of the Asia Global Institute (AGI) and the Victor and William Fung Professor in Economics at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), and Professor of Finance at Yale University (on leave). Prior to joining HKU in 2016, he was Professor of Finance for 17 years at Yale University (1999-present), Associate Professor at Ohio State University (1995-1999) and Assistant Professor at University of Wisconsin – Madison (1990-1995). His research covers finance theory, sociology of finance, economic history, emerging markets, and China’s economy and capital markets. He has received numerous research rewards including the Graham and Dodd Award (2013), the Pacesetter Research Award (1999), the Merton Miller Prize (1994), and the Chicago Board Options Exchange Competitive Research Award (1994). He is on the International Advisory Board of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), the Global Advisory Council of China Minsheng Investment Group (CMIG), and on the board of directors at PetroChina, Bank of Communications, and Noah Holdings. Prof. Chen was one of the three founding partners at Zebra Capital Management (2001-2011).
Prof. Chen received his PhD in financial economics from Yale University in 1990; MS in systems engineering from Changsha Institute of Technology in 1986; and BS in computer science from Central-South University in 1983.
陈志武现任香港大学亚洲环球研究所所长和冯国经冯国纶基金教授 (经济学)、耶鲁大学金融教授(留职)、北京大学经济学院特聘教授。在2016年加入亚洲环球研究所之前,陈教授是耶鲁大学金融经济学教授17年(现正学术休假中,1999年至今)、 俄亥俄州立大学的副教授(1995-1999)和威斯康星大学助理教授(1990-1995)。他主要的研究工作涵盖金融学理论、金融社会学、经济史、新兴市场、中国经济和资本市场等课题。多年来他获得几项研究奖,包括格雷厄姆•都德奖(2013) 、Pacesetter研究奖(1999) 、默顿•米勒研究奖(1994)、芝加哥期权交易所研究奖(1994) 。他是中国证监会国际顾问、中国民生投资公司全球咨询委员会委员,中国石油股份公司、交通银行、诺亚财富独立董事。他也是Zebra Capital Management 的三位创始合伙人之一。